Creating A Society Whose Citizens’ Health is Monitored by Remote Control of Intracellular Cybernetic Avatars

The Moonshot Research and Development (R&D) Program
Moonshot Goal 1 R&D Project

Creating A Society Whose Citizens’ Health is Monitored by Remote Control of Intracellular Cybernetic Avatars

This project aims to develop intracellular Cybernetic Avatars (CAs) that extend the body's own immune capabilities. By remotely controlling multiple intracellular Cybernetic Avatars, doctors, and specialists will be able to patrol the body, inspect the malignant state of disease-causing cells, remove them if necessary, and keep the body in good condition at all times. By 2050 we aim to realize a safe and secure daily life and an increase in healthy life expectancy watched over by intracellular Cybernetic Avatars.


By 2030

Improving our quality of life, and extending healthy expectancy watched over by experts.

People who need to know the condition of their body can receive appropriate support from doctors and other specialists. This technology should allow doctors to monitor people’s health and provide treatment more quickly and effectivity than current methods.

By 2025

Creating an information distribution society where skills and experiences can be shared via CAs.

Using intracellular CA in a simulated in vivo environment, we will remotely control processes that identify the malignant cells or pathogens, and if necessary, remove them.
It will then be possible to keep the body in good condition anytime and anywhere. The Intracellular CA’s ability to enhance the innate immune system will be tested simulated in vivo conditions to identify possible adverse reactions.

The Organization of research and developpment

The project Manager

Dr.Yoko Yamanishi
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Kyuhsu University

Dr. Yoko Yamanishi, the Project Manager

Leader's institution:Kyuhsu University

Project Manager's support members

Research Development Section 1

Intracellular CA’s, E3LSI Study


Yamanishi, Y.

Kyushu University

Research Development Section 2

Intracellular CA Designs


Yokomori, M.

Kyushu University


Dodo, K.



Sugano, S. S.

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology


Shoji, K.

Nagaoka University of Technology,Nagoya University


Tagawa, M.

Nagoya University

Research Development Section 3

Loading CAs into cells


Yamanishi, Y.

Kyushu University


Kimura, N.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


Tsubouchi, T.

National Institute for Basic Biology

Research Development Section 4

Intracellular CA teleoperation in vitro


Sakuma, S.

Kyushu University


Shirasaki, Y.

The University of Tokyo


Kamatani, T.

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Research Development Section 5

Evaluating remote control of intracellular CA in vivo


Tottori, N.

Kyushu University


Takahashi, A.

Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research


Yotsumoto, S.

Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences

Research Development Section 6

Evaluating remote control of intracellular CA in a simulated in vivo environment


Hayakawa, T.

Chuo University


Sakuma, S.

Kyushu University


Moonshot Research and Development Project

Creating A Society Whose Citizens’ Health is Monitored by Remote Control of Intracellular Cybernetic Avatars

Project Management Office
Dept.of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Bio-medical Fluid Engineering Lab
Kyushu University
744, Motooka, Nishi-ku Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan

R&D Institutions

  • Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
  • National Institute for Basic Biology
  • Kyushu University
  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
  • Chuo University
  • Nagaoka University of Technology,Nagoya University
  • Nagoya University